
Our youth ministry is available beginning with a student’s 11th birthday. The youth ministry is led by Pastor Bob and a team of adults and college students. There are a number of opportunities to connect and to grow: 

Sunday Worship

Our youth fully participate in Sunday worship alongside their families and friends.

Sunday School

Following Sunday worship, we offer a youth and young adult Sunday school class in our Education Building. Typically, this class will take a school year to study a particular theologian and the ideas that espoused their life and ministry. For the 2019-20 school year, the class is exploring the life and writing of C.S. Lewis. 

Youth Group (Sundays 6pm until 8pm)

On Sunday evenings, our youth reconvene for a night to further explore the gospel and apply the truth of God’s word to their lives. The evening begins with a meal (provided by volunteers in the church). Table fellowship was critical to the life and ministry of the Lord, and we are happy to follow in his footsteps to gather in his grace with a simple meal. 
The evening also includes a time of prayer, praise, and teaching. The group has recently finished exploring the outline of the good news provided in Matt Chandler’s Explicit Gospel. Further studies for the 2019-20 school year will include prayer (Fall) and the parables from the Gospel of Luke (Spring). 
As time allows, the evening often concludes with cutting loose in a fun game or activity. Our first emphasis is on fellowship and the Word, but we love tapping into God’s gifts of joy, laughter, and creativity. 


Once each month, the youth gather as a group for a casual night that includes games, snacks, and a suitable movie. These nights are a great opportunity for the youth to get to know one another, the leaders, and to introduce friends and family to the ministry.

Leaders Study

As our youth grow older, there is an opportunity for them to participate in a bi-weekly study aimed at moving towards a more robust understanding of faith and obedience. Students age 16+ gather with our leadership team to read, discuss, and pray together. This fall, the leaders concluded a study in Tim Chester’s A Meal with Jesus before beginning a study of the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah.

Ask Questions!

If you have any questions, please ask! If you would like to provide a meal for the youth or volunteer, contact the church.